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A Cleansing of Gold is the seventh part of the Trailblaze Mission chapter Heroic Saga of Flame-Chase. It automatically begins after completing Kremnos, Cleanse Thy Rusted Blood (I).
- Gather the collected information from the Garmentmaker.
- Go to Marmoreal Market then find and clear three anomalies.
- Recapture Spirithief Bartholos
- Return to the Garden of Life and tell Tribbie and the rest the situation.
Gameplay Notes[]
- This mission uses the Fate's Ensemble system, played from the perspective of Aglaea. The game provides her for use as a Story character.
Gather the collected information from the Garmentmaker[]
- Elder Caenis: Remember, Aglaea, whether it be the Chrysos Heirs or the Council, our positions are entrusted to us by the people of Okhema.
- take a moment to recall the Chrysos War and what became of those "heroes." Elder Caenis: Before you attempt to overreach and make decisions beyond your place,
- Elder Caenis: If you're not well-versed in that history, have her refresh your memory.
- Aglaea: Do not be concerned, Elder Caenis. Following the prophecy's guidance, we shall cast down the gods — in the new world, no god will stand above humankind.
- Elder Caenis: Heh... I'll hold you to that promise for now.
- Elder Caenis: The pampered little girl has grown up to be a shrewd politician. Should I be pleased or concerned?
- Aglaea: Times are changing drastically, and people must adapt. I'm not the only one committed to making a difference, Elder Caenis.
- Aglaea: My teacher and I have other pressing matters to attend to. Please see yourself out.
- Elder Caenis: Heh... I genuinely hope that at the next Council meeting, you won't be the one standing in the middle, facing the judgment.
- Caenis sneers and departs.
- Tribbie: Agy... Are you alright?
- Aglaea: It's nothing more than an empty threat, much like before — a reflection of their inner fears.
- Tribbie: So sorry, Agy... If we were more mature, you wouldn't have to face all this alone.
- Aglaea: Why apologize? We each have our own responsibilities.
- Tribbie: But seeing how they give you a hard time... makes us sad, and angry...
- Aglaea: Would you like me to slice their throats with golden threads? It would be done in a flash. All I need is your blessing, and the Council will be no more.
- Tribbie: Wh—What are you talking about!? D—Don't scare us like that, Agy!
- Aglaea: Haha, I'm just teasing you.
- Tribbie: I knew you were joking... You certainly have an unorthodox way of cheering people up!
- Tribbie: However, after you said that, we somehow feel a bit better. Thank you, Agy.
- Aglaea: We find humor in hardship because our humanity still endures.
- Tribbie: So, about the "infiltration" Snowy mentioned earlier, did you find anything?
- Aglaea: Don't worry. Even without their intel, I've already detected hidden currents within the city. A trivial issue, nothing I can't handle on my own.
- Tribbie: Do you need to inform the city guards?
- Aglaea: That would alarm Okhema's citizens. If they learn that the enemy can bypass the Chrysos Heirs and infiltrate the city, the situation might spiral out of control.
- Tribbie: Is there anything you'd like us to help with?
- Aglaea: It's fine, Tribbie. As we discussed earlier, you need to prepare for the Blade of Fury.
- Tribbie: We got this! Don't exhaust yourself, Agy.
- Aglaea: (The nymphs have located the source of the disruption... I should check with the "Garmentmaker" for intel.)
- (Talk to Tribbie, optional)
- Tribbie: Don't exhaust yourself, Agy.
- (Talk to Garmentmaker)
- Aglaea: (Infiltration... Nikador would never resort to this if they were in their right mind.)
- Castorice and that outlander can uncover the truth.) Aglaea: (What exactly led to their loss of divinity? The answer lies behind the fog... I hope
- Aglaea: Garmentmaker, can you give me the intel the nymphs have gathered?
- Aglaea: (The lower city... It's good that the infiltration hasn't reached the baths yet. The risk remains manageable.)
- Aglaea: (The rift must be sewn shut with golden thread before disaster occurs.)
Go to Marmoreal Market then find and clear three anomalies[]
- (Idle chat)
- Cautious Guard: What is this strange phenomenon...?
- Cautious Guard: Should I report it to the captain?
- (Approach the marked location)
- Aglaea: Something wrong?
- Cautious Guard: ...Who goes there!?
- Cautious Guard: L—Lady Aglaea! Wh—What brings you...
- Aglaea: Corruption and madness are lurking behind these anomalies. I must deal with them myself to prevent further troubles.
- Aglaea: But I don't want to alarm the public. Can I trust you, honorable guard?
- Cautious Guard: Absolutely, Lady Aglaea! You have my solemn vow that none of this will come to light.
- Aglaea: Thank you. If you don't mind, I will handle it from here.
- Kephale bless you, Lady Aglaea. Cautious Guard: May
- Aglaea: (That young guard reads between the lines well. If the end weren't so near, he would have a bright future ahead of him.)
- Aglaea: (I'd better focus on the matter at hand first...)
- Aglaea: Show yourself, worm—
- Hundreds of resilient golden threads reach into the corrupted void, extracting the hidden malevolence within.
- Aglaea: It's truly pathetic. A soldier stripped of all glory, lurking in the margins like a parasite.
- Titankin! Aglaea: Return to the dust,
- (Begin battle against
Furiae Warrior ×3)
- (After the battle)
- Aglaea: (I need to ensure I leave no trace behind, so that no one suspects anything.)
- Aglaea: (Time to move on to the next nymph.)
- (Approach the marked location)
- Aglaea: Good day, child.
- Silent Girl: ...
- Aglaea: ...Child?
- The girl beside you remains unresponsive.
- (Oh... She's a child who can't hear.)
(Gently touch the girl's shoulder.)
(Run your fingertips through the girl's hair.)
- Silent Girl: ...
(Hold out your arms.)
- Aglaea extends her arm, signaling the girl to do the same.
- The golden thread gently wraps around the girl's palm... now their hearts are connected.
- Aglaea: (Tell me everything, child.)
- Silent Girl: (M—My knucklebone talisman fell into this really frightening place...)
- Silent Girl: (It's so dark and scary... I'm too afraid to reach in...)
- Aglaea: (Ah... I see. Don't worry, I'll help you find it.)
- Aglaea: (Just do me a little favor, okay? I want you to turn around and count to thirty.)
- You retract the threads, ready to deal with the filth before you.
- Aglaea: Show yourself, worm—
- Hundreds of resilient golden threads reach into the corrupted void, extracting the hidden malevolence within.
- Aglaea: Even a child's toy isn't safe from your grasp... Is greed one of your vices?
- Aglaea: Return to the dust, wretch.
- (Begin battle against
Furiae Philosopher ×2,
Furiae Archer ×2)
- (After the battle)
- Aglaea: (Is this what you're looking for?)
- Silent Girl: (Yes! That's it! Thank you, big sis!)
- Aglaea: (Big sis...)
- Silent Girl: (...Something on your mind, big sis?)
- Aglaea: (...)
- Aglaea: (Nothing. But promise me you won't play on the streets alone from now on, even in Okhema.)
- Aglaea: (Your vulnerabilities will make you a target for others' malice. For many, it's easier to do wrong than to do good — believe me, I know from experience.)
- Silent Girl: (Big sis, your words are so hard to understand. I'm really confused.)
- Aglaea: (...Sorry, it seems I've forgotten how to talk to a child. Your innocence feels so distant to me now.)
- Silent Girl: (...)
- Silent Girl: (That's alright. I might not understand everything, but I still appreciate your advice. I'll be careful!)
- Mnestia on the teleslate — so shiny and sparkly! Your eyes are like two beautiful gems! I'm so jealous!) Silent Girl: (Oh, and by the way, you look so pretty! Just like Goddess
- Aglaea: (...)
- Silent Girl: (I want you to have this knucklebone talisman, big sis. I hope it brings you luck every day and keeps you safe from bullies!)
- Aglaea: (...Thank you, child.)
- Aglaea: (There's one more threat marked by the nymphs.)
- Aglaea: (Kephale, sky father, I seek your guidance... May your hand keep all things in order.)
- (Talk to the silent girl again, optional)
- Silent Girl: (I want you to have this knucklebone talisman, big sis. I hope it brings you luck every day and keeps you safe from bullies!)
- Aglaea: (...Thank you, child.)
- (Approach the marked location)
- Aglaea: (It's hidden in such an unassuming corner...)
- Aglaea: (If the enemy were to infiltrate from here, the damage could be catastrophic. I'd better deal with it at once...)
- Hundreds of resilient golden threads reach into the corrupted void, extracting from within...
- "Spirithief" Bartholos: O—Ouch! Watch where you're going, will you—
- Aglaea: ...Bartholos?
- "Spirithief" Bartholos: O—Oh, it's Lady Aglaea! Teehee, what a delight to see you here! Praise Phakele, every inch of your skin is glowing like the dawn itself!
- Aglaea: How can you still mix up the sky father's name? It's Kepha—
- Aglaea: ...Never mind. I bet you did that on purpose. Tell me, Spirithief, why are you hiding in the filth?
- "Spirithief" Bartholos: Uh, it's... it's we're just trying to get rid of any threats to Okhema, haha!
- "Spirithief" Bartholos: See? We turned this crazy stone monster inside into pieces with our spectacular skills, teehee!
- Aglaea: Hmm... the traces of corruption have indeed disappeared.
- "Spirithief" Bartholos: We would never dream of deceiving you, Lady Aglaea. In all of Okhema, you are the most revered—
- Aglaea: Save the smooth talk, Spirithief... I can tell you're feeling nervous.
- Cipher? Aglaea: On second thought, since you're right here, I must ask you one more question: Where is
- "Spirithief" Bartholos: Uh... There seems to be a misunderstanding, Lady Aglaea. Even though she and I work in the same trade, it doesn't make us allies!
- "Spirithief" Bartholos: On the contrary, we're more like competitors! No competitor would want to cross paths with one another, teehee!
- As demigods, we can't avoid our duties forever. Aglaea: ...Forget it. If you see her, let her know this:
- "Spirithief" Bartholos: Alright, alright. Understood, Lady Aglaea! If there's nothing else, please excuse—
- Aglaea: Wait... if my suspicion is correct, are you skulking about in the filth to keep something hidden?
- Aglaea: Return what you've stolen, and I'll let you go.
- "Spirithief" Bartholos: ...Tsk! What rotten luck! Why did I have to bump into her...
- Zagreus, may I borrow a fragment of your fleetness? "Spirithief" Bartholos: O venerable
- Aglaea: I urge you—
- ...Run!! "Spirithief" Bartholos:
- Aglaea: How predictable... Did you truly think you could outrun me?
- "Spirithief" Bartholos: Teehee! It was worth a try, wasn't it?
The Spirithief is a (self-proclaimed) well-known master thief across Amphoreus. They enjoy stealing treasures others are just about to obtain and then vanishing into the void with their stolen goods. They tend to leave a Coin of Whimsy in mockery in the aftermath.
The Spirithief is a (self-proclaimed) well-known master thief across Amphoreus. They enjoy stealing treasures others are just about to obtain and then vanishing into the void with their stolen goods. They tend to leave a Coin of Whimsy in mockery in the aftermath.The only thing that can punish them is Oronyx's power. When near a Coin of Whimsy, use the rewinding powers provided by Oronyx's Prayer upon the fissures the thief escapes through to get the Spirithief to come back.
The only thing that can punish them is Oronyx's power. When near a Coin of Whimsy, use the rewinding powers provided by Oronyx's Prayer upon the fissures the thief escapes through to get the Spirithief to come back.clickclick/taptap/presspress and hold to activate Oronyx's Prayer and rewind the Spirithief's time to before they escaped. However, Spirithief will struggle valiantly within the special zone.
clickclick/taptap/presspress and hold to activate Oronyx's Prayer and rewind the Spirithief's time to before they escaped. However, Spirithief will struggle valiantly within the special zone.While the Spirithief is in the special zone, you need to release the button to end the praying, and then clickclick/taptap/presspress the button and hold when they are unprepared to bring the Spirithief to justice.
While the Spirithief is in the special zone, you need to release the button to end the praying, and then clickclick/taptap/presspress the button and hold when they are unprepared to bring the Spirithief to justice.- (After successfully capturing Bartholos)
- Aglaea: Got any more tricks up your sleeve? Let's see them all.
- "Spirithief" Bartholos: Argh, darn it! That was so close!
- "Spirithief" Bartholos: Go on, take it all! Help yourself to everything I've toiled for!
- "Spirithief" Bartholos: Well, you got me! Even if I starve to death, nobody in this city would so much as blink an eye at my plight!
- Aglaea: Oh, you poor thing... But you don't actually need to eat at all, do you?
- "Spirithief" Bartholos: Y—You heartless woman! I never want to see you again, not for all the gold in the world!
- Aglaea: Farewell, Bartholos. Be sure to get my message to Cipher.
- Aglaea: ...
- Aglaea: Show yourself now, before golden thread is stained with your blood.
- Elder Caenis: Well, well, a demigod never ceases to impress. Not even a top assassin with a lifetime of "purging" experiences can slip past you.
- Aglaea: What are you up to, Elder Caenis?
- Elder Caenis: Drop the act. You noticed my informants a long time ago, didn't you?
- Elder Caenis: You stayed silent to throw us off, so we'd let our guard down, while maintaining that everything you did abides by the Council's regulations — correct?
- Aglaea: ...When it comes to schemes and manipulation, Zagreus can't hold a candle to the Council.
- Elder Caenis: Hehe, that's quite flattering, Chrysos Heir.
- the Chrysos Heirs' governance of the holy city is only temporary, a provisional transfer of authority during these extraordinary times. Elder Caenis: We bear no ill will. We just want to reiterate that
- Elder Caenis: While gods see and hear more extensively, mortals have their own means of dealing with things. When that so-called prophecy crumbles... the destiny of Okhema shall once again rest in the grasp of its people.
- Aglaea: Rest in the grasp of its people... or yours, Elder Caenis?
- Elder Caenis: Ease off on the hostility. You'd do well to remember nearly half of the elders stood against entrusting the holy city to you in that crucial vote. I am but one voice in the dissent.
- Amphoreus, even "gods" are not above the law. Elder Caenis: Keep following your chosen path, demigod, use every bit of your power to show that we are mistaken... but don't forget for a second, in
- Elder Caenis: I'm quite interested to see how long you can stick with this hands-on way of doing things... heh.
- Aglaea: ...
- Aglaea: I will employ every means at my disposal to save Amphoreus, Elder Caenis. Whether it means wresting it from the grasp of the gods...
- Aglaea: Or yours.
Return to the Garden of Life and tell Tribbie and the rest the situation[]
- (Head towards Trinnon)
- Aglaea: ...Trinnon? It seems she has begun to make arrangements for defending Okhema.
- (Approach Trinnon)
- Aglaea: The dangers lurking within Okhema have been eradicated. I've also cleansed the city of filth.
- Trinnon: Thank you, Agy. That elder just now... Was she causing you trouble again?
- Aglaea: Worry not. I'm capable of handling it, Trinnon.
- Trinnon: You should know that during the Chrysos War, Caenis was...
- Aglaea: ...An assassin known for purging the Chrysos Heirs. I am aware.
- Aglaea: Like I mentioned before, the Council is not our adversary... at least not now. We should be focusing on the more pressing matter at hand.
- Trianne is already near her limits. Trinnon: ...You're right. We've taken all possible precautions against Nikador. It... did not come easy, though...
- Aglaea: ...How much of her power is left?
- she should still be able to open the Century Gates three... no, maybe just two more times. Trinnon: Taking this time into account,
- Aglaea: ...And after that?
- Trinnon: Tribbie will take over as the gatekeeper, according to what we've agreed on.
- Aglaea: ...
- Aglaea: Waiting seems to be our only plan now.
- Trinnon: Indeed. Let us wait here in this garden, Agy.
- Aglaea: Please enlighten me, Trinnon...
- "The galaxy is vast beyond compare, containing an infinite number of possibilities."Our community needs more information on this page! Can you help out? Click here to add more. The reason provided was:Missing mission still
- Aglaea: In the world as you perceive it, does the prophecy remain as clear as it was when it first descended?
- Trinnon: Golden runes shimmer against the azure sky, and myriad fragments of words dance around Kephale. The prophecy remains as clear as ever.
- Phainon and the others? Aglaea: Does it foretell the triumph of
- Trinnon: It... remains silent, seemingly cognizant of the outcome... though it's unwilling to let us in on the answer just yet.
- Aglaea: We're not going to be finding our solace in the prophecy this time, then.
- Aglaea: So be it. If indeed he is fate's chosen child...
- Aglaea: ...then the prophecy is nothing more than a footnote to his tale.
- Returning to the Trailblazer's POV...
- When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | A Cleansing of Gold |
Chinese (Simplified) | 金缕荡污浊 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 金縷蕩汙濁 |
Japanese | 穢れ清めし金糸 |
Korean | 더러움을 씻어내는 금실 |
Spanish | Limpieza con hilos dorados |
French | Purification par l'or |
Russian | Золотое очищение |
Thai | ด้ายทองปัดเป่าความโสมม |
Vietnamese | Sự Thanh Lọc Vàng |
German | Goldene Reinigung |
Indonesian | Pembersihan Emas |
Portuguese | Uma Purificação com Ouro |
Change History[]
Released in Version 3.0