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"Sad" Gear is a Mission Item obtained from interactions with various NPCs in Penacony's Dreamscape.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | "Sad" Gear |
Chinese (Simplified) | 「悲郁」齿轮 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 「悲鬱」齒輪 |
Japanese | 「悲しみ」の歯車 |
Korean | 「슬픔」 톱니바퀴 |
Spanish | Engranaje de la tristeza |
French | Engrenage de « tristesse » |
Russian | Шестерня «Грусть» |
Thai | ฟันเฟือง "เศร้าโศก" |
Vietnamese | Bánh Răng Sầu Não |
German | Trauer-Zahnrad |
Indonesian | Gir "Kesedihan" |
Portuguese | Engrenagem "Triste" |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.0