Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

A cartoon Herta in the Simulated Universe.

"Big update, big update! I'm waiting for you in the Simulated Universe, come test it out quickly."

"Hi, Come for a Test" is a Profile Picture. It can be obtained from Divergent Universe: The Human Comedy at Synchronicity Level 50.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
English"Hi, Come for a Test"
Korean「안녕, 테스트하러 와」
Spanish"Ey, ven a probar"
French« Ramène-toi pour un petit test »
Russian«Эй, иди тестировать».
Thai"ไฮ มาทดสอบกัน"
Vietnamese"Hi, Đến Test Nào"
GermanHi, komm testen
Indonesian"Hai, Ayo Ikut Tes"
Portuguese"Olá, Venha Fazer o Teste"

Change History[]
