A cartoon Herta in the Simulated Universe.
"Big update, big update! I'm waiting for you in the Simulated Universe, come test it out quickly."
"Big update, big update! I'm waiting for you in the Simulated Universe, come test it out quickly."
"Hi, Come for a Test" is a Profile Picture. It can be obtained from Divergent Universe: The Human Comedy at Synchronicity Level 50.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | "Hi, Come for a Test" |
Chinese (Simplified) | 「嗨,来测」 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 「嗨,來測」 |
Japanese | 「じゃあテストよろしく」 |
Korean | 「안녕, 테스트하러 와」 |
Spanish | "Ey, ven a probar" |
French | « Ramène-toi pour un petit test » |
Russian | «Эй, иди тестировать». |
Thai | "ไฮ มาทดสอบกัน" |
Vietnamese | "Hi, Đến Test Nào" |
German | „Hi, komm testen“ |
Indonesian | "Hai, Ayo Ikut Tes" |
Portuguese | "Olá, Venha Fazer o Teste" |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.3