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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The dragon returns home, but its house is nowhere to be found.

"Erstwhile Resonance" is a Phonograph Record that the player can use to unlock the corresponding soundtrack to play on the Astral Express. It contains the soundtrack Erstwhile Resonance.


A record that can be played on the Express' phonograph. It might be a chance acquisition or a gift from someone else. All sorts of memories surge up when the music plays — the smiles, encounters, touches, and the excitement of battle. Maybe that is why people still collect records even as society rapidly advances.

The current record contains the track "Erstwhile Resonance."

The dragon returns home, but its house is nowhere to be found.

How to Obtain[]

Erstwhile Resonance is obtained by completing the Adventure Mission Todd Riordan's Academic Research: The Three Draconic Transformations.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
English"Erstwhile Resonance"
Korean≪고해 궁터≫
SpanishResonancia del pasado
French« Erstwhile Resonance »
RussianErstwhile Resonance
ThaiErstwhile Resonance
VietnameseCung Điện Cổ Hải
GermanPalastruinen des uralten Meeres
Indonesian"Erstwhile Resonance"
Portuguese"Erstwhile Resonance"

Change History[]
