Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Dan Heng Sticker 01
"Nawet kiedy teraz rozmawiamy, pożegnania mają miejsce w całym wszechświecie."
Ta strona zawiera informacje o przeszłym wydarzeniu, które może lub nie powrócić w przyszłych wersjach gry.

Błąd w wyrażeniu – nieoczekiwany operator <

Szczegóły wydarzenia[]

W trakcie wydarzenia szansa na dostanie 5✦ postaci Black Swan zostanie zwiększona.

5✦ postać[]

Character Black Swan Icon Black Swan (5Icon 1 StarsWiatrWiatrNicośćNicość)

4✦ postacie[]

Character Misha Icon Misha (4Icon 1 StarsLódLódDestrukcjaDestrukcja)
Character Tingyun Icon Tingyun (4Icon 1 StarsBłyskawicaBłyskawicaHarmoniaHarmonia)
Character Guinaifen Icon Guinaifen (4Icon 1 StarsOgieńOgieńNicośćNicość)

Pula przedmiotów[]

Zawarty lub wyróżniony ze zwiększonym współczynnikiem dropu

WindBlack Swan Black Swan
IceMisha Misha
FireGuinaifen Guinaifen
LightningTingyun Tingyun


5 Stars
FireHimeko Himeko
IceGepard Gepard
IceYanqing Yanqing
ImaginaryWelt Welt
LightningBailu Bailu
PhysicalClara Clara
WindBronya Bronya
4 Stars
FireAsta Asta
FireHook Hook
IceHerta Herta
IceMarch 7th March 7th
IcePela Pela
ImaginaryYukong Yukong
LightningArlan Arlan
LightningServal Serval
PhysicalHanya Hanya
PhysicalLuka Luka
PhysicalNatasha Natasha
PhysicalSushang Sushang
QuantumLynx Lynx
QuantumQingque Qingque
QuantumXueyi Xueyi
WindDan Heng Dan Heng
WindSampo Sampo

Stożki świetlne

RzadkośćStożki świetlne
4 Stars
The AbundancePerfect Timing Perfect Timing
The AbundancePost-Op Conversation Post-Op Conversation
The AbundanceShared Feeling Shared Feeling
The DestructionA Secret Vow A Secret Vow
The DestructionThe Moles Welcome You The Moles Welcome You
The DestructionUnder the Blue Sky Under the Blue Sky
The EruditionGeniuses' Repose Geniuses' Repose
The EruditionMake the World Clamor Make the World Clamor
The EruditionThe Birth of the Self The Birth of the Self
The HarmonyDance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance!
The HarmonyMemories of the Past Memories of the Past
The HarmonyPlanetary Rendezvous Planetary Rendezvous
The HuntOnly Silence Remains Only Silence Remains
The HuntSubscribe for More! Subscribe for More!
The HuntSwordplay Swordplay
The NihilityEyes of the Prey Eyes of the Prey
The NihilityGood Night and Sleep Well Good Night and Sleep Well
The NihilityResolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat Resolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat
The PreservationDay One of My New Life Day One of My New Life
The PreservationLandau's Choice Landau's Choice
The PreservationTrend of the Universal Market Trend of the Universal Market
3 Stars
The AbundanceCornucopia Cornucopia
The AbundanceFine Fruit Fine Fruit
The AbundanceMultiplication Multiplication
The DestructionCollapsing Sky Collapsing Sky
The DestructionMutual Demise Mutual Demise
The DestructionShattered Home Shattered Home
The EruditionData Bank (Light Cone) Data Bank
The EruditionPasskey Passkey
The EruditionSagacity Sagacity
The HarmonyChorus Chorus
The HarmonyMediation Mediation
The HarmonyMeshing Cogs Meshing Cogs
The HuntAdversarial Adversarial
The HuntArrows Arrows
The HuntDarting Arrow Darting Arrow
The NihilityHidden Shadow Hidden Shadow
The NihilityLoop Loop
The NihilityVoid Void
The PreservationAmber Amber
The PreservationDefense Defense
The PreservationPioneering Pioneering

Historia zmian[]
